I'm excited to start the new year with my A5 Chameleon. I've owned it since the summer and had set it up (see earlier post), but to my chagrin, I never really felt at home with it. I am planning on revamping it a bit so that I can depend on it on a daily basis. Some of the ideas swimming around my head that I want to include in it are as follows: (this is me thinking out loud)
1. My New Year's Resolutions
2. Classes I've taken and their particulars
3. Reading list
4. Supper Menus and shopping list
5. Quotes and things I want to remember
6. House cleaning schedule
7. Short term and long term goals
8. Week at a glance with Notes calendar
9. Jan - Dec, monthly to do section
10. Christmas Card List
Mainly, I want to focus on the Supper Menus and the to do sections most of all. I feel that I would be using those sections daily. The other sections would be used more on an irregular basis, but still are important to me.
Here are my Domini Mini that I use for TV notes, my red personal Cuban that I'm using for my prayer journal and study notes and then my A5 Chameleon that I'm hoping to get used to using everyday in the new year.